French version



When we created the Festival des Nouveaux Cinémas six years ago, our goal was to make people discover the quality of digital creation and promote a demanding and innovating conception of this cinema opened to all.

Six years later, digital cinema changed a lot. The mini DV format has been replaced by HDV, then HD and recently by the new possibilities given by some still cameras. Videos made with mobile phones made a sensational outbreak with more or less success and we can't keep record of all the new digital eyes (CCTV, tiny cameras, webcam ...).

All these new ways of capturing the world resulted in new types of movies so different from one another and yet united in this digital cinema revolution.

When the biggest film productions in the industry are digital based, our goal today is no more to make people discover digital cinema but to find films still using digital technology for what it really is: a way of expressing new things far from the standardisation caused by the imitation of non digital cinema.

We bring you again this year, the diversity, the blooming and the energy of all the new cinemas.

The Nouveaux Cinemas project is actively involved in digital creation and produces every year short films. This year the movie "Vitre" made by Marion de Villechbrolle will shown every night.

The festival will also offer valuable moments of exchange during which, sponsor guests, film-maker, film critic and audience can meet around cocktails and debates to complete the screens.

The festival will then travel to meet others audiences in French big cities (as Bordeaux, Rennes, Nantes, Lyon, etc.) during the rest of the year.


© Nouveaux Cinémas 2008 - Tous droits réservés - Conception & réalisation :